exciting shit | JUST FOR MATTHEW | KEVORKIAN | HORSE the band | what i could afford to develop | FUCK YOU | fav shit | SIGN ME | Disturbed Barbies | Trent's Shrine | Trent's Second Shrine | Tulio Shrine | KonTaKs | My Fuckin' Day | Me  

If u want ur pick in here, send it too me. FUCK YOU

I want to fuck you
This is me a few days ago. I'm getting tan again. I'll have a better one later, but all I want to say is: FUCK YOU
Rick wants to fuck you
ummmm.....FUCK YOU?
David wants to fuck you
This is my friend David from group theropy. He's really cool, go check out his shrine. FUCK YOU!
Kurt wants to fuck you
Kurt is hott. Kurt is sexy. Kurt is dead. Yet, Kurt wants to fuck you. Nuff said. FUCK YOU

Immortal Alice Wants To Fuck You
Jim, Troy, & Pete....They all want to fuck you. On one condition, you must be a she-male. FUCK YOU
Risto wants to fuck you!He's really big because he is new. But oh well, I'm gonna play with my camera, bye now! FUCK YOU

I'm to lazy to cahnge anything, but this guy was on www.amifuglyornot.com and I thougt it was hella funny. FUCK YOU
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Detailed description of a product. This description could include: Basic information about the line of products and any information that you might use to describe your product. $ 19.95